Netflix is Experimenting its Biggest TV App Overhaul in Ten Years

By M&E Outlook Team | Friday, 07 June 2024

Attempting to reduce user disengagement and boost subscription retention, Netflix has started releasing its first significant TV app makeover in ten years. In order to encourage users to spend more time watching rather than surfing, the streaming behemoth wants to make content discovery easier and lessen choice fatigue. 

Enlarged title cards, rearranged content, and readily assimilated insights such as a show's "top 10" performance are all parts of the revised interface. These modifications directly address the "eye gymnastics" that Netflix saw viewers engaging in before deciding on content—a mad dash across the screen. 

With this redesign of the user experience, Netflix is reorienting its attention from subscriber acquisition to engagement metrics. Next year, the firm intends to no longer release subscription counts, emphasizing instead that watching time is the key determinant of user pleasure and platform stickiness.

The navigation button has also been moved to the top of the screen, and a new "My Netflix" option has been added, which combines a user's watchlist and currently playing material. 

A limited user base is now testing the updated interface, with a larger deployment scheduled in response to customer input. Netflix's stock, which has up 38% so far this year, was down around 0.5% to $647.49 in afternoon Nasdaq trade. 

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